
Acute sinusitis is usually treated with antibiotics and medication to reduce the swelling of the nasal lining, e.g. decongestants. Surgery is usually only considered if medical treatment fails. When surgery is needed, the ENT specialist can choose from a number of different options depending on the severity of the sinus disease.

What are sinuses? 

Sinuses play an important role in our breathing. There are four pairs of sinuses in the head. Their role is to control the temperature and humidity of the air that reaches our lungs. This helps to keep the passages free. 

These sinuses are linked throughout the upper area of the face. They appear in the forehead, nasal bridge and under the eyes. The sinuses produce mucus that travels through the nose and throat daily. When we become ill (acute sinusitis), we may notice more mucus being harder to pass. This happens due to blocked sinuses. 

What is sinusitis? 

There are two types of sinusitis, and they require different treatment methods. 

Acute sinusitis typically happens after a common cold. This is when mucus is harder to pass. Additionally, you may notice pain around the sinus area. This type of sinusitis can usually be treated easily with antibiotics. 

Chronic sinusitis is the same issue that occurs for much longer. This can be harder to shift. It can occur in the same way as acute sinusitis or due to allergies. It’s important to identify its cause so that the right treatment can be offered to you. 

The symptoms are often more severe with chronic sinusitis. 

How can sinusitis be treated? 

The way that sinusitis is treated depends on the cause of it. It can be caused by the following: infections, allergies, nasal structures and irritants. 

Cases of acute sinusitis are usually treated with antibiotics and rest. More serious cases may require surgery. Before surgery is recommended, you will likely be invited for a nasal endoscopy. This will allow our surgeon to see your nasal cavities in more detail.  

You may be encouraged to try different medications before surgery is suggested. 

What happens during sinusitis surgery? 

To complete the sinus surgery, a thin endoscopic tube is inserted into the nose. This allows the surgeon to see into your nasal cavities. During the surgery, they may remove tissue or polyps that may be causing you to have blocked sinuses. This means that you should be able to breathe more easily after surgery. 

A general anaesthetic is used during the sinus surgery so that you don’t feel any pain. Most patients are able to return home the same day after they have been monitored. We’ll let you know everything you need to prepare before and after the surgery. 

Sinus surgery recovery 

It usually doesn’t take long to recover from sinus surgery, but you may need a few days off work to rest. You’ll be given all of the aftercare instructions you need to follow by our medical team.