Earwax Removal

Earwax (or cerumen, to use the correct medical term) is a waxy material produced by sebaceous glands inside the ear. Some people find ear wax removal helpful in reducing discomfort and decreasing the risk of infections.

What does earwax do?

Earwax cleans, lubricates and protects the lining of the ear by trapping dirt and repelling water. Without earwax, the ear would soon become dry, infected and sore. Sometimes, a build-up can occur, causing loss of hearing and discomfort within the ear.

Here at Lancashire Clinic, we can clean and clear the ear out to subside these symptoms and leave you feeling more comfortable.

How is earwax removed?

Before performing an earwax removal procedure, we will use a microscope to check your ear canals. This allows us to assess how much wax is present.

You may also be asked to use an ear wax softener for a few days before the treatment. This can help to make the treatment more effective and can be purchased over the counter.

There are various ways that earwax can be removed. One of the most efficient ways to remove wax is through micro-suction. This involves using a suction machine  to remove the wax carefully with control using a microscope.

Once the procedure has been completed, we will recheck your ears. This is a safe and efficient way to remove earwax.

Why should I consider earwax removal?

Everyone experiences earwax, and it does have benefits, such as protecting the ears. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you might consider visiting us for ear wax removals.

  • Earache
  • Hearing loss
  • Tinnitus (commonly referred to as ringing in the ears)

For the safest and most effective treatment, you should always visit a healthcare professional. We are trained to remove the wax safely, and this can reduce the risks of side effects.

We will discuss any common side effects that you may experience after having the treatment. These are generally uncommon due to quality equipment and excellent hygiene precautions.